Thursday, December 23, 2010

I'll Give YOU a War on Christmas!

Santa The Barbarian
By Corey Breen
Photoshop & Illustrator

Santa The Barbarian
By Corey Breen
Pencil & Illustrator

Santa The Barbarian
By Corey Breen

HO HO HO! Merry Christmas!

I kinda banged this out just in time for Christmas, and I'm glad I did! I LOVE doing Christmas Cards. Every year in the media they claim this "War on Christmas", and that kinda stuck in my head, so I had this idea of Santa "mad as hell, and not gonna take it anymore", and fighting back to get Christmas back to where it was, whatever that means.

So here is Santa, the Barbarian, with sword and axe in hand, ready to defend Christmas! My wife thinks I'm disturbed! I just think I like to draw super-heroes and like my friend, John said, "Santa rules! lol Especially when he carries a BIG sword!" Could not have said it better myself!

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Hope you get a TON of comics, video games and movie to enjoy and inspire! And I hope you get the chance to spend it all with love ones, friends, and family, because THAT is what it's all about to me!

Corey Breen

